vendredi 21 septembre 2012

Une mission de l’Alliance pour refonder la gouvernance en Afrique à Abidjan ----- The Alliance for Rebuilding Governance in Africa mission is in Abidjan


Une mission de l'ARGA a terminé un séjour de travail en Côte d'Ivoire le 20 septembre. Elle avait pour objectifs de comprendre le contexte, les enjeux et défis majeurs auxquels le pays est confronté mais aussi d'assurer les conditions d'ouverture d'un bureau dans la capitale ivoirienne. Durant sa conférence de presse, le coordonnateur Assane Mbaye a souligné que son organisation va travailler avec le gouvernement et la société civile vu que "le contexte est devenu favorable".


The Alliance for Rebuilding Governance in Africa coordination, an organization of African intellectuals who did hold high ranking positions in government, is having a four days visit in Ivory Coast in order to open a bureau in this country.

After an unsuccessful attempt in 2009, M. Assane Mbaye, the coordinator finds that the context is today favorable. The mission as specified by M. Mbaye during his press conference is focusing on better understanding the context and governance major challenges and stakes. The Alliance strategy and activities to be developed depend on discussions conducted with government authorities and Ivory Coast civil society.

Since its creation in 1999, the Alliance for Rebuilding Governance in Africa who is an African intellectuals initiative created to achieve the continent peace and development through real public governance regulation, has open eight bureau in West Africa and two in Central Africa.

The organization has a strategic plan (2010-2015) with major projects such as series of conferences organized during what is called Annual Africa governance days. These conferences are prospective ones regarding Africa future in horizon 2060 and will have annual thematic such as governance (2012), economy (2013), globalization (2014).

Regional projects gathering members of initiative groups working in specific themes such as land tenure, mining resources governance will be implemented. The Alliance is also partnering, with state institutions in charge of institutional reforms to create national multi actors forum promoting inclusive dialogue among stakeholders.

Lastly the ARGA, is partnering with universities, research and training centers and others administration schools to build projects.

See the article (in French) :

Pour l'ONG Arga, «le principal problème de la Côte d’Ivoire, c’est la gestion de la diversité» ----- For ARGA, an african NGO, “the main problem is Ivory Coast is managing diversity”


Une mission de l'Arga conduite par son coordonnateur M. Assane Mbaye a séjourné dans la capitale ivoirienne pour une mission de travail terminée le 20 septembre 2012 et a pu rencontrer et discuter avec les acteurs majeurs. C'était la première mission effectuée par cette organisation dans ce pays depuis la crise post électorale. L'Arga qui est représentée dans huit pays de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et deux en Afrique Centrale visait dans cette mission à comprendre les enjeux et défis majeurs de gouvernance auxquels le pays est confronté. Le constat fait est qu'il y a une réelle volonté de dialogue mais les positions restent très tranchées entre les acteurs. Ce qui fait dire à M. Mbaye que le défi majeur reste "la gestion de la diversité".


The ARGA mission that went to Ivory Coast did leave the country this September 20, 2012 after working and meeting during a week with many actors (government and opposition parties). It was the organization first mission in Ivory Coast since the end of the post electoral crisis. This organization has bureau in eight countries in West Africa and two in Central Africa.

The mission did focus on better understanding the country social, economic and political situation. Assane Mbaye who is ARGA coordinator has mixed feeling about the situation” there is real commitment to overcome the crisis situation. All stakeholders believe that there is a need to have an inclusive dialogue”. But government and opposition entrenched positions observed by M.Mbaye are concerning.

ARGA did have discussions with different Ivory Coast political actors before 2010 presidential election and was not surprised when post electoral crisis did occur. According to M. Mbaye, most of actors find that the main issue in Ivory Coast crisis is dealing with diversity management.

see the article (in french)